Join Node
Use the Join node to merge together two tables that share a common column (e.g. an internal id or email address).
You'll need to specify which column you're using from each of the two tables (Left join and Right join). You can always preview the two tables.
Left: Keep all rows from the left table
Right: Keep all rows from the right table
You can decide what happens to rows that don't match with the How condition:
Inner: Only keep matching rows (default)
Outer: Keep all rows; this is also often referred to as Full Joins
![SQL Join Conditions Visual, Source:](
A join node needs to have two input nodes. Inputs 1 and 2 are assigned in the order that you connected them to the join node. By convention, the Input 1 is the left table and Input 2 is the right table.
For the Left, Right and Outer joins, any non-matching rows are filled with null values.
Inner join is the default join type and is useful in most cases where you want to only include rows where both tables share the same column name.
There may be circumstances where you want to keep rows from the left or right table even with missing data. In this case, use the Outer condition.
SQL Equivalent
select t1.{column_1}, t2.{column_1}
from {data_source_1} as t1
inner join {data_source_2} as t2 on =
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Updated on: 05/10/2024
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